West Clarkstown Jewish Center - A place of love & belonging is your birthright!

About The West Clarkstown Jewish Center
West Clarkstown Jewish Center is a small Conservative synagogue that cares about each and every person. We are an egalitarian community where women and men, and Jews of all orientation are welcomed as full participants.
We are a community that practices gemilut hasadim, acts of love and kindness, including visiting the sick, comforting mourners, coming to the aid of those in need, and participating in the community kosher food pantry.
We have a deep commitment to the State of Israel. Our weekly Shabbat services include a Kabbalat Shabbat each Friday at 6:00 PM, with a special musical service once a month. Weekly Shabbat morning services, begin at 9:30 AM. All are welcome!!!
Torah reading includes a d’var torah by our rabbi and an open discussion of the parasha. The service is followed by a light Kiddush lunch and informal talk around the Shabbat tables.
Our user-friendly prayer book contains a modern new translation, transliteration of all prayers, notes and meditations.
We learn and grow Jewishly through lunch-and-learn series led by Rabbi Jill Hackell, and we celebrate the holidays together: lunch in the Sukkah; family Hanukkah celebration; Purim mishloach manot and Purim-shpiel; Shavuot luncheon.
Our active Sisterhood and Men’s Club offers members an opportunity to serve the congregation through social and social action programs.
If you are looking for a place where you can be yourself, with a community of people who celebrate life’s joys and sorrows together, who learn together, and make a joyful noise together, West Clarkstown Jewish Center may be the place for you. Please stop by for a visit or join us for prayer and study on any Shabbat or holiday.