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West Clarkstown Jewish Center is a small Conservative synagogue that cares about each and every person. We are an egalitarian community where women, men, and Jews of all orientation are welcomed as full participants.

If you are looking for a place where you can be yourself, with a community of people who celebrate life’s joys and sorrows together, who learn together, and make a joyful noise together, West Clarkstown Jewish Center may be the place for you. Please stop by for a visit or join us for prayer and study on any Shabbat or holiday.

West Clarkstown Jewish Center  


A place of love & belonging is your birthright!

Our weekly Shabbat services include a Kabbalat Shabbat each Friday at 6:00 PM, with a special musical service once a month. Weekly Shabbat morning services, begin at 9:30 AM. All are welcome!!!

For membership infomation or to find out about opportunities to support us please contact our president by filling out the form below. 

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Services on-line every Friday evening at 6 pm, with Torah study at 5:30 pm

In-person Shabbat morning services to begin on Saturday, July 31 at 9:30 am

 -  Please do not come if you are ill
-  Please do not come if you are unvaccinated
-  Masks and social distancing to be observed
inside the synagogue. 

There will be a Zoom alternative for those who cannot attend in person

Visit our Hidden Gem Shoppe​
         hand-knit and crocheted items,
            gently used clothing,
                and more. . .




Stop by Our Newsletter page to check out "The Voice", both current & past issues. Keep up with what's happening at the West Clarkstown Jewish Center.

Our Chanukah Menorah candle lighting (Dec 20, 2014)              Click here to visit our photo gallery

This Site Made possible with a generous grant from RJI - Rockland Jewish Initiative - Energizing Synagogue life

© 2015 West Clarkstown Jewish Center  -    195 West Clarkstown Road - New City, NY 10956 -    TEL: (845) 352 0017

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